Private school education in a public setting is often used to describe Incline Schools, part of the Washoe County School District. All ages are served, from preschool to higher education at the University of Nevada, Reno at Lake Tahoe. School choices include the well-regarded private school, Lake Tahoe School, as well as St. Clare’s Tahoe, a Mountain Montessori School. The pandemic brought an even larger array of homeschooling and “pod” options.

Our mountain lifestyle for kids intertwines outdoor recreation with hands-on environmental and sports programs. After-school programs like the Boys and Girls Club Duffield Youth Center, Tahoe Family Solutions Homework Help Club, and IVGID camps, keep our children engaged in academics as well.

Incline Education Fund is a major provider of education technology and supplemental education for all our schools. 

Washoe County School District School Closing Policy – Information & Resources

The Washoe County School District (WCSD) is in the process of changing their policy on school closures and the public comment deadline is APRIL 4. PLEASE SHARE YOUR thoughts on the policies BEFORE 5:00 pm on APRIL 4.

The significant change in the new policy appears to be the level of local input allowed when considering these decisions. If you have concerns about the change in policy that takes out local input on school closings please contact the WCSD and let them know emailing them today. A sample email is below.

Potential board policy changes must be made public and the community must have an opportunity to comment on the proposed changes. The link proposed WCSD Board Policy is:7087_Reg-School_Closure_v1_draft2.pdf

Please feel free to pass this information and request on to others as well. This may be the only opportunity you have to communicate your position. 

If you are concerned about a potential lack of local input for neighborhood schools, a sample email might read:

To Whom It May Concern, 

I respectfully oppose Administrative Regulation 7087 which removes local stakeholders- including teachers, parents, administrators, and community members from School Closure decisions and replaces these significant stakeholders with a third-party review agency in collaboration with a district zoning committee. 

I strongly believe removing those most closely related to the decision is harmful to all involved and inappropriate based on the significant demographic and geographical differences within the Washoe County School District schools. Analysis regarding individual school closures should be conducted with the lens required for each of their unique circumstances.

Thank you for the opportunity to voice my opposition to the proposed change in policy language.

To email WCSD,

To email your Incline Schools Area Superintendent, Mike Paul:

*Information provided by Incline Education Fund

Invest in Incline Advocacy Network NewsletterSubject: Washoe County School District’s proposal to change the way school closures are addressed and to close the Incline Middle School and move it in with Incline High School

Read the newsletter for more information and action that you can take immediately.

*Invest in Incline Advocacy Network (Myles Riner and Jim Croley)

Community Meeting at Incline High School to Discuss Potential Closure of Incline Middle School – April 5 CLICK HERE FOR INFO


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