IVGID Board Meeting

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 (5:00 PM - 7:00 PM) (PST)


Board of Trustees Agendas & Packets

The Incline Village General Improvement District Board of Trustees' regular meeting times and locations shall be set by the Board of Trustees and all meetings shall be held within the District. (policy 3.1.0; 0.1 & 0.3). Email info@ivgid.org and put "agenda" in the email title if you would like to sign up to receive meeting agendas via email.

Upcoming Board Meetings:

  • 11/8/23
  • 12/13/23

(Dates are subject to change. Please check back frequently.)

Watch Board Meetings (live or recordings) 

Please allow 24 hrs after the end of the meeting for videos to be available in livestream.

Watch streaming video of IVGID Board meetings
Click here to watch streaming video of IVGID Board meetings

Public Records Request Page


Follow these easy steps to make a virtual public comment:

  1. Call Toll-Free Telephone #: (877) 853-5247 or (888) 788-0099
  2. Enter the Webinar ID: 880 8539 1978 then press #
  3. Press # when prompted for a participant ID
  4. Please mute the LiveStream before making your public comment
  5. Once all in person comments are finished, the last four digits of your phone number will be announced- you will be prompted to unmute
  6. Press * 6 to unmute your phone, if you do not wish to make a comment but; want to remain on the line please state PASS for the record
  7. Track your 3:00 minutes of commenting time- per Board Policy 3.1
  8. Once you have completed your comment- please hang up

Pro tip: Remember the Livestream is delayed by a few seconds- so sometimes we are calling on you before you hear it on the Livestream

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 (5:00 PM - 7:00 PM) (PST)
Time to be Announced
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