Plunge for Special Olympics Nevada
Saturday, May 13, 2023 (9:00 AM - 1:30 PM) (PDT)
Washoe County Sheriff's Office is raising funds for Special Olympics and hope you will join their team. Together we'll make a 'splash' for Special Olympics and have a great time. Participants are asked to raise a minimum of $125 and in return will receive a long sleeve Polar Plunge t-shirt and enjoy otter Plunge festivities.
More importantly we'll feel good knowing we are helping to change the lives of children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Jump in with us and make a splash!
There are a few ways to register: you can register as a Plunger and make a splash or register as a Chicken and participate while staying dry and cheer on your teammates from the sidelines. You'll make your choice when you register.
300 U.S. 50
Zephyr Cove, NV 89448 United States