Shabbat Hannukah
Friday, December 23, 2022 (6:00 PM - 8:00 PM) (PST)
Friday Dec 23 - Join NTHC for the 6th night of Hannukah and our monthly potluck. We have a handful of folks bringing Latkes, apple sauce and sour cream. Feel free to bring your special Latkes from home or bring along a veggie side dish, fruit, or dessert to share. Dairy only please (fish / chicken okay).
6:00 Candle lighting / blessings - Bring your own Hannukiah if you wish to light at your table
6:15 - 7:00 - Potluck and Latkes
7:00 - 7:45 Short Services with songs, a few prayers and a story
Student Rabbi Shirah Kraus will be leading our service. We look forward to welcoming her family and friends who will be visiting. Questions or to coordinate, please reach out to Pam Dickerman pdickermn@yahoo.com
Details: https://www.tahoetemple.org/calendar/shabbat-hannukah-2
7000 Latone Ave
Tahoe Vista, CA 96148 United States